This here is a list of every known Tsukumogami which has been recorded.
Oi-no-bakemono (笈の化け物)
Oi-no-bakemono is a tsukumogami which appeared to Ashikaga Naoshi in the edo Period. It is described as having the body of an oi (a type of back-mounted chest used by yamabushi monks), with the legs of a bird, the head of a human, and a sword blade for a tongue.
Tsuno-hanzo (角盥漱)
Tsuno-hanzo is a tsukumogami formed from a washbasin. This washbasin was used by Ono-no-Komachi to vindicate herself from being framed for plagiarism by dipping some freshly-made documents inside of its water. The basin was soon transformed into a tsukumogami due to the negativity directed at Ono-no-komachi for her supposed plagiarism.
Kago-otoko (籠男)
Kago-otoko was once a man who made a basket near a willow tree in a graveyard. When he wore it on his head, he was cursed, and was then reincarnated to haunt the land as a basket-headed tsukumogami.
Ichiren-bozu is the hero of the Tsukumogami Emaki. He is portrayed as kind, and willing to give good advice.
Suzuhiko-hime (鈴彦姫)
Suzuhiko-hime are tsukumogami formed from Suzu bells. These bell-like spirits are able to call in gods by shaking their bells.
Jatai are sentient obi belts which have been animated by the jealous thoughts of people. In their dreams, people will see snakes, and as a result, these dreams will be absorbed by the belt and make it move around like a snake.
Many warriors who rode on horses wore “Ka-no-kutsu”, leather shoes which wrapped around their feet to hold them in place. However, warriors who weren’t invited to battle threw away the leather shoes, and as a result, the shoes changed into a Yokai who walks across roads with a great thirst for blood.
Hahaki-gami is a tsukumogami formed from a broom used in various magical rituals. They can be seen wildly sweeping leaves in streets using their broom arms.
Kame-osa is formed from a ceramic jug used for holding water. No matter how much liquid is put inside of it, it never runs out, providing happiness for any family who owns one.
Oke-osa is formed from an old well bucket, and is the cousin of Kame-osa. Like Kame-osa, he can generate unlimited amounts of water, but due to his age, he sometimes leaks on the floor and causes minor inconveniences.
Back then, roof-shaped shades called Tengai were used to protect people from the sun. Eventually, Tengai were used to shield buddhist statues from the sun. The Tengai soon became obsolete due to Butsudan altars being invented to protect buddha statues, and they became simple decorations. The tengai soon possessed a cat who lost the role of protecting scriptures from being chewed by rats, and together, they became a Yokai. It is said that Tengai-tsuri runs around rainless Buddha at night.
Hyotan, a type of gourd, could be used as a tool to draw water and store sake. The hyotan was also able to repel Yokai which lived in the water, such as Kappa. Moreover, if one breathed into the gourd, they would be used for magic. Gourds were soon replaced by wooden bowls and ladles, and as a result were transformed into Yokai which seek revenge on humans.
Fuguruma-yobi is a powerful Yokai formed from a letter which was left inside of a book cart. The book cart and the letter were soon transformed into a powerful demon.
Tsuno-daru-obake are monsters formed when oni’s horns grow on an unused tsuno-daru, which is a type of horned keg used for storing sake. They appear in kitchens at night to steal and drink sake, and wander around with the sound of a rolling barrel.
Narigama is formed from an old cauldron used in a kettle-ringing ceremony. Many years of being used have brought it to life. Every time it rings itself, someone’s fortune will be predicted.
Mukumukabaki (Empty Chaps)/ Chaps: Muku-mukabaki is a tsukumogami formed from a pair of chaps. These chaps were worn by Kawazu Saburo, who was assassinated at a hunting trip on a mountain.
Igo-no-sei are spirits formed from black and white Go pieces. These Go stones can take on human form to play Go games with people.
Kane, or singing bowls, were thought to produce a high tone which was able to discourage the Holy Spirit. Priests would carry these singing bowls to repel the spirits of the dead. However, as a spirit to repel gods and souls, Suzu bells became more convenient to use. As a result, they were changed into corrupt monsters which constantly ring themselves at night.
Once, a man heard some a strange voice from a bush which said, "My nose, it hurts. My nose, it hurts." He looked inside and saw geta clog crying over its lost nose, with a raincoat, hat, taiko drum, and wicker basket comforting him. The man then told his friends about it, and when they got to the bush, they found the objects laying still. After he burned the noseless geta, the objects never came to life again.
Indigo-dyed cloth was hard to make. First, indigo leaves were placed on the cloth, hit with a rod, and coated with a futon to ferment. Then, the indigo leaves were sent to the store to make the cloth become dyed blue. Still, indigo cloth manufacturing was full of tedious toil, and the clothes dyed by this tedious method soon became possessed by Yokai. If a person wears cloth which is dyed by this Yokai, they will gain bruises on their bodies as if they were hit with rods.
Zeni-gami is a tsukumogami mentioned in the Kokon Hyaku Monogatari Hyoban. It is said to have been formed from a set of coins, and if one slashes the yokai with a sword, then a large amount of coins will fall out of the sky.
Zaru-no-me is a tsukumogami formed from an old wicker colander that was thrown out on New Year’s Eve. Zaru-no-me was changed into a monster with eyes formed from the holes it had, and it dwells in city streets, demanding people to give it some money as a new year’s gift. However, if someone tells it that it’s not New Year’s Eve yet, it will change back into a normal basket.
Oke-pokkun are formed from old wooden wash tubs. They disguise themselves as a two-tiered stack of wooden tubs, but when someone gets near them or picks them up, they frighten them by letting out loud cackles.
Warai-jishi are formed from old lion-dancing costumes called Shishigashira. If they are abandoned, they will come to life and move to abandoned cabins in the mountains. If someone sees a Warai-jishi, they will snicker, “Shishishishishi.” If one doesn’t run fast enough, they will swallow people from the head down.
Ittan-momen resembles a long strip of cotton. In the old days, he would wrap around people and suffocate them to death, but nowadays he has been demoted to a transport for other Youkai.
Osakoburi are formed from crowns which are used by Japan’s inner royal circle. If a crown absorbs enough selfishness from a deceitful priest who clings onto the prestige of his vestments, they will corrupt themselves into tsukumogami.
Chokuboron are formed from small sake cups called choko. They appear as komuso monks in people’s dreams to frighten them.
When people gather in the town and dance, or when people praise the Buddha, they will use special cymbals to sound off. The reverberation is long-lasting, and clears up any perception. However, if cymbals are played too fast, the reverberation gets messed up, and as a result, the cymbals become a Yokai who makes people dance until they drop.
Seto-taisho is a monster formed from a conglomerate of discarded dishes. He fancies himself the Guan Yu of the china closet, and he frequently does battle with any person who dares try to stop him. However, he can be easily broken like any china dish, but he can easily regenerate.
Ningyo-no-rei is the term for dolls which have been granted life due to them living for a long time. An example of this is Yoru-no-gakuya, in which two dolls, one of Konomoronao, and the other of Enya Hangan, started fighting each other in a dressing room at night.
Moku-moku-ren are screen doors with tears in them which have transformed into eyes. Mokumokuren is able to frighten humans by opening the eyes on each of its screen panels.
Furu-dansu are tsukumogami formed from chests of drawers which have been stored in warehouses for a long time. They make eerie noises at night if they are empty, but if one puts clothes inside of them, they will protect them with care.
Kosode-no-te is a kimono possessed by the spirit of a harlot. This kimono extends ghostly hands from inside of it to stroke and caress people.
Mokugyo-daruma are wooden blocks which have been beaten for many years, and have been granted life. Mokugyo-daruma is able to beat itself to make sure that priests stay awake.
Shiro-uneri are creatures formed from old house cloths. They fly in the air and wrap around people’s faces to suffocate them with their stench.
Koinryou, Zenfushou, and Yarikechou
A trio of tsukumogami which attack humans. Yarike-cho is a powerful youkai formed from a spear. He is a relentless attacker, and always strikes first. Koin-ryo, meanwhile, is a youkai which is formed from a pouch made of tiger skin. Now transformed into a tiger-like form, he is capable of running at 1000 miles an hour. Finally, Zenfusho is a youkai formed from a chagama, which is a type of kettle. He is said to attack people with his claws.
Kutsu-sura are monsters formed from old shoes and boots. If one adjusts their headwear under a plum tree or adjust their shoes in a gourd-field, they will change into tsukumogami which steal plums from plum trees and gourds from gourd fields.
Kinu-tanuki are formed from eight spans (hachijo) of the finest Hachijo silk. They frequently use their kinuta (a type of wooden fulling block) to beat laundry near the river when no one is looking.
Hone-karakasa are flying umbrella tsukumogami which resemble the Shachihoko, a decorative fish statue put on buildings to increase the chance of rain appearing. When they start flying about, it is a harbinger to upcoming storms.
Kagami are mirrors which could reveal the identity of any corrupted thing. The mirrors could also be used to reveal hidden gods who have been disguised as humans. However, if a mirror isn’t cleaned enough, it will transform into a Youkai who frightens people by making a scary face with her mirror.
Shogoro is formed from a type of hanging gong called a Shoko. This gong belonged to the head of the Yodoya clan, a family of merchants who charged high interest rates. The shogunate did not like their antics, so they used an 1875 scandal as an excuse to strip the clan of their belongings and banish them to a remote island. The gong owned by the Yodoya clan then came to life and struck itself to warn others not to be greedy.
Hossu-mori are Yokai formed from fly whisks which have been used by monks for several years. They monitor the daily behavior of monks, and sometimes appear in their dreams to get them to change their wicked ways.
Kura-yaro is a tsukumogami formed from a saddle whose owner fell in battle. Kura-yaro sometimes imitates the fighting movements of its old owner.
Bake-zori are sentient straw sandals which have been animated due to being neglected. They like to cause mischief within houses, and they often run about the house, singing, “Kararin, kororin, kankororin! Mitsume, mitsume, to ni ha (Three Eyes, three eyes, and teeth two.)
Nyoi-jizai are tsukumogami formed from ceremonial scepters called Nyoi. If a Nyoi is used to scratch someone’s back, they will change into monsters with long claws that can scratch any itch they find on people’s backs.
Abumi-guchi is a tsukumogami formed from a stirrup. When a warrior is killed in battle, his stirrup then comes to life and waits patiently for their masters to return, but sadly, they never do.
The Bake-chochin first made its appearance during the Edo period (1603-1867). These living paper lanterns, born from rage at being thrown away, frighten travelers at night. The more people they scare, the more fear they collect, and the brighter the flame within them grows.
A possible subspecies of Chochin-obake created using foxfire which sawys over people's heads to scare them.
A tsukumogami formed from a Hoko doll inside of a box made for Kai-awase, or shell-matching. They have a desire to play with people after being passed down from generation to generation.
Biwa-bokuboku, Koto-furunishi, and Shami-choro
A trio of tsukumogami formed from old string instruments. Biwa-bokuboku is a tsukumogami formed from a lute. He is able to play music on his lute-like face. In the past, he was a lute-player who tripped and fell into the water. When he awoke, he had the head of a lute. Meanwhile, Koto-furunushi is a tsukumogami formed from a type of floor harp called a koto, which was filled with the resentment of Chikushi-styled songs being forgotten and transformed itself into a Yokai. Finally, Shami-choro is a tsukumogami formed from Shamisens which have been played by expert musicians.
Shumoku-musume is a female Yokai formed from an old bell-hammer. She often frequents palaces at night to frighten the people within them.
Eritategoromo is a tsukumogami formed from a priest’s robe. The robe belonged to a tengu, a type of winged mountain demon with mystical powers. The robe absorbed the tengu’s magic, causing it to become a yokai with magical powers.
Shime-oni are formed from old shimenawa ropes which have not been burned for long enough. These demons lay on the outskirts of town, wrapping any person they see inside of rope.
Kyo-rinrin is a Youkai formed from old sutras. The sutras were created by the monk Shubin to cast a curse on a rival, but his plan backfired, and he ended up dying instead. This caused the sutras to come to life and avenge their creator’s death.
A tsukumogami formed from a straw raincoat and straw sandals which has absorbed their owner's wanderlust, and as a result came to life and became a traveler.
Originating from the reign of Japanese regent Prince Shotoku (572-622), Menreiki are actor’s masks from Noh theater (musical plays that last all day) that have been filled with a spiritual essence. These floating masks haunt abandoned theaters, calling out to be loved. They are more of a pest than scary.
Heiroku is a tsukumogami formed from an old wand called a Gohei. He confuses people in cities by spreading false rumors about other people.
Ungaikyo are formed from old mirrors which have been placed on shrines for years. Their heads are similar to a television screen, because they can display anything the user wants to see.
A Porcupine-like Yokai formed from a pincushion. It has various needles throughout its body, similar to the pincushion lands found in hell. Needles are used in acupuncture to drive away sick spirits, and could also be used to curse people through dolls. However, if one doesn’t cherish needles, the needles will be transformed into monsters, and the people who didn’t take care of needles properly would soon be made to climb the pincushions in Hell. Also, if one curses people with needles, they will be changed into a Harite-hariashi. To get rid of this Yokai, just point a pair of scissors at it.
Boroboroton is a tsukumogami formed from a futon used by a monk. They are usually very placid creatures. However, there is a subspecies of Boroboroton called Futon-kabuse. These sentient futons, angry at being disposed of, flip people off of their backs, and then suffocate them with their weight.
Yama-oroshi are monsters formed from rusted radish graters called Oroshigane. They resemble porcupines, and they are able to blow mountainous winds from their mouths.
Gotoku-neko are monsters formed from old trivets. They resemble cats with trivets on their heads, and they blow fire from bamboo tubes to light hearths and ovens when no one is looking.
Furu-utsubo is a tsukumogami formed from an old quiver. This quiver was the very same quiver used by a hunter to annihilate the dreaded fox Tamamo-no-mae. Although it has a nice personality, it hates all foxes with a passion.
Nyubachibo and Hyotan-kozo
A pair of tsukumogami which are always together. Nyubachibo is not formed from a mortar, as one might think. He is actually formed from a single cymbal. These mischievous spirits hide behind people, and then crash the cymbals on their head when they least expect it. Meanwhile, Hyotan-kozo is a Yokai formed from a gourd which was used to absorb illnesses from humans. All of the illnesses which have been collected inside of it transform it into a Yokai which scares humans.
A yokai formed from an old stone lantern. Also known as Bake-doro, these lanterns are able to light themselves up when no one is looking.
Oboroguruma are tsukumogami formed from oxcarts which have been used to jockey for prime parking positions. They roam in towns at night, making squeaking sounds with their wheels.
A loom which absorbed a wife's anger at his husband for leaving him. It works by itself to create a snake of cloth to pursue those who have been unfaithful to their spouses.
A tanuki-like teakettle tsukumogami formed from a kettle used by a tanuki inside of the Morinji Temple. It is said that any water that is boiled inside of him will be hot for up to six hours.
An inkstone which has been used over and over again will soon change into a tsukumogami. Once, after a scholar used ink to write the Tale of the Heike, the ink within the inkstone transformed itself into a raging sea, and small soldiers began to jump out of the ink and battle each other.
Garei is formed from an old hanging scroll with a picture of a woman on it. One day, a prime minister sent the scroll to a fellow samurai. At night, the spirit of a woman appeared beside the hanging scroll and haunted the building before it disappeared by dawn. The Samurai then told the prime minister, who realized that the scroll hadn’t been taken care of lately. After the scroll was repaired, the woman never appeared again.
Koma-o is a Yokai from the Yamagata prefecture who is the spirit of a shogi master who possessed shogi pieces. Koma-o appears to people who play shogi and whisper strategies into people’s ears to advance the game. However, due to his shy personality, he sometimes does not give good advice.
Kansu-no-okina are the spirits of old picture scrolls stored inside of collections. They appear in the dreams of people to remind them to air out the bugs within them, and they always appear as an old man in people’s dreams.
Fundo-ki are formed from old weights which have been used with scales. Angry at their abandonment, they ride on people and gradually crush them with their weight.
Tsubo-gashira is a tsukumogami that appears as a vase in people’s gardens. The vase contains nuts, and if one tries to open it, it will appear in its true form. After that, it traps people inside of a jar and spirits them far away.
Bake-sumitsubo is an inkline possessed by the spirit of a carpenter which has been passed down to an apprentice. The carpenter’s spirit then entered the inkline and gave it arms and legs. If one is possessed by Bake-sumitsubo, they will become master carpenters.
Better known as “Umbrella Haunts”, the Kasabake have been frightening people since the tenth century. Hopping about on one foot, these tsukumogami are loveable chaps who just want to feel loved. They often lick people when picked up, and they are only active at night, transforming into a normal umbrella during the day.
As the oldest weapon, the Hoko, or Pike, was a weapon of war, but was also used as festival tools dedicated to the gods. However, since the pikes were only good for poking enemies, the sword became the weapon of choice due to its capability of slashing people, and the pike, which was only used as a divine tool, transformed into a blue demon and jabbed people who go out on the night roads.
In the olden days, people put cloth dyed in five colors of black, white, blue, red, and yellow inside of a box to give to the gods. They also waved wands made of silk to use in divine rituals. However, the silken wands were replaced with paper, and the offerings to the gods were of paper money instead of silk cloths. Out of sorrow, the wands were then changed into Yokai.
“Waniguchi” is a type of large, round gong made of copper, and was used in shrines or temples to make loud noises that reached the ears of the gods. However, the waniguchi was soon replaced with the mokugyo, a type of wooden fish, and became a monster as a result. This gong-headed crocodile bites those who hit it on the head.
Furu-ogi are made from cypress fans used to call in spirits. Eventually, they were replaced with paper fans, and the cypress fans came to life. The Furu-ogi is able to call in any kind of spirit, and if one looks through the fan on its back, then the whole world of Yokai will become visible to them.
A hossu was a type of fly-whisk made using deer hair to repel mosquitoes, and the tool soon became a tool for exorcising demons as well. If a hossu is worn out and thrown away, it will transform into a monster who causes rashes on people’s bodies which are so severe that they will literally scratch themselves to death.
Asagutsu were court shoes used by civil servants for ceremonial purposes, but they could also be used on rainy days. Court officials wore these shoes, but if they showed off their shoes to people, they would be transformed into a porcupine-like creature which tore through people’s clothing with its claws and quills.
Biwas are lutes which could be played to make the Kamado God bring a good harvest as a reward. In addition, the Biwa was a symbol of protection against evil gods. However, if a Biwa’s strings broke and the sound is ruined, they will be changed into monsters whose out-of tune music attracts spirits of mischief and misfortune to ruin families.
Torikabuto were helmets shaped like a “Phoenix” which have come to life after a long time. Torikabuto’s singing voice is so beautiful it can wake up the dead. If anyone puts on a bird helmet, they would be able to do divine dances. However, if an evil-hearted person wears it, it will change them into a Nue which would make screeching noises at night. Those who hear a Nue’s voice will die instantly.
Sho-no-oni is a demon which walks with his bishop’s staff in hand, and it takes on the form of a tengu. This demon is formed from a Sho, a type of mouth organ that made the sound of a phoenix which was played high in the sky. If a sho continues to be used for Gagaku dancing in low-class venues, the bamboo pipes of the Sho will fall apart, causing it to be changed into a Yokai. Sho-no-oni is a type of mischievous demon who shakes his bishop’s staff to keep people awake at night.
Saji-oni are formed from old ivory spoons, called Saji. These Saji spoons were the main eating tool in Japan, until the invention of chopsticks. Eventually, the ivory spoons transformed into monsters. These spoon monsters are pretty decent at first, but if they see someone sticking chopsticks in a bowl, they will curse them with misfortune.
Back then, people wore black clothing all the time. Eventually, the color black became associated with night, and became an inauspicious color. As a result, people wore colored clothing, and the black clothing came to life and crawled about. Nunobiki is able to summon entire groups of demons, but can be stopped by pinning down its cloth.
At first, this creature seems like a rider on a horse, but in reality, it is formed from an old straw sandal, and its steed is actually an old stilt. Zori-taisho is one of many straw sandals which have been phased out in favor of leather shoes, and as a result, became a Yokai who rides through the streets at night. If one isn’t careful, he will make people’s feet blistered.
Kumade is a type of rake in the shape of a bear’s claw. It is normally used to rake up leaves. Back in the day, rakes were used to rake up the souls of deceased people and attract invisible gods. The rake was also used as a weapon to scratch people. As a result, old rakes will be transformed into bear-like creatures which scratch and kill people with their rake claws.
Gotoku were metal rings on which pots or kettles were placed over so that they could be heated evenly. The trivets have three or four legs which supported the pots neatly, and was an indispensable tool for the kitchen. However, if a woman grows jealous of a man, they would put a trivet with candles on it on their head and travel to a certain shrine at night to complete a ritual that allowed them to transform into demons which were able to kill or curse men.
Many weapons which have been abandoned have been transformed into Yokai. Gekima, a yokai formed from a spear, is an example of such a weapon. Swords and spears are both weapons with blades, and as a result, this demon is proficient in both sword fighting and spear-wielding.
Originally, scissors were transmitted from various parts of the world. Japanese scissors were spread throughout Japan, but scissors soon inspired the legend of the Kamikiri, a Japanese specter which would cut off people’s hair at night. As a result, scissors became disliked, and were thrown out of the house. They were then changed into hair-cutting monsters which snipped off people’s hair at night, and sometimes tried to get into paper boxes.
Kama-gami is a kitchen spirit who is able to bless food, assist in childbirth, and bring in kitchen spirits to assist people. He is able to use his bamboo rod to call in any kind of kitchen god. However, Kama-gami’s face has been blackened from being put in the fire, and dislikes it if the lid is taken off his face.
Kama-no-futa is the spirit of a cauldron lid who always appears with Kamagami. Kama-no-futa’s role is to protect Kamagami’s charred face from being viewed by people. If the lid is taken off the cauldron, both Kama-no-futa and Kama-gami will appear and become royally ticked off.
Wearing a pot on one’s head was once a ceremonial ritual. If one wore a pot on their head to appease the gods, they would not be punished. If a woman wears a pot on their head, and if they lie, they will be punished. If a pot is worn by a child, then they would be able to be protected from illness. However, if food was left inside of a pot, it would change into an angry monk with a pot for a head. Nabe-bozu is able to hang the souls of the people he burns inside of his pothook.
Nogama is a tsukumogami formed from a sickle used for digging funeral holes in graveyards. If a sickle is not taken home within 7 days, it will transform into a Nogama. Nogama is similar to Kama-itachi, as it slices into people and casts a spell on them to prevent them from being hurt.
Utsubo is a type of quiver which was used to store arrows. Bows and arrows were replaced with guns at the beginning of the Warring States period, but back then, they were the main weapons of the battlefield, and when warriors were killed in battlefields, they would be pierced with arrows that littered the battlefield. If the spirit of a dead warrior possesses an utsubo, they will be changed into a Yokai resembling an armored man with an Utsubo for a head. The Utsubo will be able to pluck the string of the bow, resonate the sound, and repeat three times to stop the breath of those who hear it.
Cha-bukuro are tsukumogami formed from old tea-bags. They hang on top of trees, and can spread disease to others.
Kimen-bo is a tombstone animated by the grudge of a dead person who is no longer remembered. This spectral tombstone grows a demon’s face and horns, but if one tries to wipe the face off, the face reappears and scares them.
Chichi-hakama are small Yokai formed from toothpicks. They appear to lazy people who don’t dispose of chopsticks and make fun of them. If someone burns the toothpicks they came from, they won’t appear again.
A folding screen which is filled with the grudge of love that has gone unconsummated can transform itself into a Byobu-nozoki. This specter gazes down at people while they are having private moments.
If a pillar is turned upside down in the making of a building, it might change into a Sakabashira. These pillars are able to send out ghosts to cause mischief and haunt people.
Kishinbo are formed from pestles made of camellia wood. Since camellia wood is notorious for being supernatural, pestles made from this kind of wood will turn into winged monsters which attack people.
Tokkuri-korogashi is a mischievous Yokai from the Kagawa prefecture in the form of a sake bottle. It rolls under people’s feet to make them trip and fall, and if someone pursues them, they will lead them straight into rivers.
Ibukuro are monsters formed from old bags, and they look like stomachs, hence the name. Ibukuro are mysterious creatures, since nobody knows what is inside of them.
Bata-bata are dragon-like creatures formed from flags which have lost many battles. When Bata-bata flutters over people’s heads, they will always lose in any game or battle.
Gubi-gubi-darai and Kamoshi-usu
Gubi-gubi-darai is a monster formed from a broken tsuno-darai, or horned basin. He is a fan of sake made from the life force of human beings, and he often frequents breweries. Meanwhile, his partner Kamoshi-usu is formed from an old usu, a mortar used with a type of pestle called a Kine. He is able to absorb the life force of human beings and transform it into a special sake which Yokai enjoy. However, he is unable to move on his own.
Hanzomon is a monster formed from a Hanzo, a vessel used to store hot water for washing. Just when things go well, he tries to drive big beasts into people in an upstanding condition and ruin them.
Gorinbo are a pair of monsters formed when a pair of carpenters got drunk, started to dance wildly, and died when they pierced themselves on a Gorinto (a stone five-story pagoda) and a Sotoba (wooden grave marker). Their spirits possessed the Gorinto and Sotoba and brought them to life as monsters. It is said that if one builds a house on the day Gorinbo died, they will burn the house down and destroy it.
Nyoi-tonbo is formed from a Nyoi, a type of scepter used for ceremonial purposes in China. When it is thrown away, it changes into the form of a dragonfly, flies to people having itches, and bites them. Those who are bitten by Nyoi-tonbo cannot speak.
Ita-oni are formed from old planks which have gone unused. Angry at their abandonment, they fly around people and try to crush them.
Abura-dokkuri is a tsukumogami formed from an old oil bottle. If treated nicely, this bottle will make enough oil to last a family about five years.
A tsukumogami formed from an old quiver. It shoots two arrows at people, and the arrows will make even the most serious person laid-back when they strike them.
Fukuro-ashida is a rain clog tsukumogami who comes up to night watchmen and bangs clogs together to frighten them. Besides their clog-clanging abilities, they also have a bag with various obstructive tools in them.
Zori-yakko and Joba
Zori-yakko and Joba are formed from an old straw sandal and a cane whose master died in the battlefield before they could be used. As a result, they changed into monsters out of regret, and now they try to find their owner.
Yabure-gasa is a tsukumogami of an umbrella that weathered many storms so much that its hide was torn, and it got thrown away. The umbrella came to life and tied its disjointed head shut. The umbrella now runs around wildly, trying to find a way to get rid of the rain.
Yoi-tobari is a tsukumogami formed from an old curtain. It resembles a large beast hidden under a curtain, and is said to bring darkness in its wake.
Saji-no-kuchi is a tsukumogami formed from a medicine spoon that was no longer used by a doctor. It is unable to weigh medicine, but its tendency to talk people to death is unparalelled throughout the Three Kingdoms.
A tsukumogami formed from an old Nyoi scepter. After being unable to move for several years, a desire for a nyoi to become human brought it to life, but instead changed it into a monster with long nails that it is unable to cut.
Usagi-ogi is a tsukumogami formed from a folding fan with a picture of a rabbit that was left behind in an autumn field, and began to miss its owner. Over the years it has faded, and it is still looking for its owner, even after it has taken on a frightening appearance.
Yabo-sho is a tsukumogami formed from an old mouth organ which was thrown away and left alone. Because it was left unrepaired, it can only emit notes which are out of tone, and if it makes inappropriate sounds, it will destroy the atmosphere.
Nemuso is a tsukumogami formed from an old koto with flowers drawn on it. Because it feeds on human slumber, it is able to play songs which make those around it fall asleep, including itself. Because it refuses to wake up, other Yokai try to pull it along.
Sekkachi-biwa is a biwa tsukumogami, and although it has excellent sound, it refuses to make sounds to anyone but its master. Sekkachi-biwa is always short-tempered, and although its partner is Nemu-koto, it is unable to pull the koto tsukumogami along, causing it to become irritated.
Odori-hossu is a tsukumogami formed from a Hossu made of bird Feathers. Odori-hossu can attract insects using a mysterious dance which involves swaying its bristles.
Susu-harae is a tsukumogami of a pot which wears a soot-covered cloak. It tries to get humans to clean out the soot from within their ovens, but if they don't obey him, he will cover the entire room with soot.
Shinadama is a tsukumogami which is mentioned in the Ehon Sangaikyo. It is formed from a bag of juggling balls and a bottle which have been possessed by the soul of a juggler. If someone tries to tell a sob story to it, it will shoot beans at them and disappear. Shinadama's name comes from the Ancient Japanese word for Juggling, and it is a reference to Azumakeshi Nosuke, a performer from the Edo period who juggled bottles and balls.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Ehon Sangaikyo. Sometimes, the skin on people's bodies (or clothing) can come to life and hold onto people to torment them. Only a quality cross posted near a warehouse can repel it. Itte-ura's entry is a play on words. Mino-kawa, or "Straw Leather", can also mean "Skin of the body", which means that Itte-ura is a tsukumogami formed from a kimono stored in a pawnbroker's shop. Also, Toritsuki can either mean "Possession" or "Tax collection".
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Ehon Sangaikyou formed from a pair of dice. It hides inside of dice containers and shouts, "Koppara-hi, Koppara-hi." When the container is opened, it reveals himself as a small boy with three eyes. Sanpin-kozo's eyes resemble a dice labeled with three dots. "Koppara-hi" is a way of calling one and three when playing dice. Finally, his name is a reference to Sanpin-samurai, a Japanese name for a low-ranking samurai.
A cap called an "Eboshi" which has been filled with so much jealous backbiting from other people that it has come to life. When it touches people's skin, it will give them pain and numbness. It drifts in the sea and moves everywhere, and sometimes frequents beaches.
A tsukumogami formed from an old stone lantern. It is said to use its flames to show hallucinations to people and manipulate them into obeying it.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Ehon Sangaikyo. Makura-sagashi is a pillow who extends a hand from its mouth to steal money from people while they are asleep.
During the Meiji period, stories of sentient ghost trains started circulating. According to theory, they are tsukumogami formed from old trains involved in accidents. Another theory states it to be the work of a raccoon or fox.
A tsukumogami from the Nagano prefecture. It is a kettle that hangs on trees at night.
A yokai which appeared in the Ino Mononoke Roku. An old wicker hamper is said to transform into a frog and haunt people. According to theory, this Yokai's name is a play on words, since the term "Kaeru" is the name of a frog and the term for transforming.
A yokai which appeared in the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the tenth night, a man appeared to Heitaro. Its head cracked open to reveal two red babies which crawled all over him. When he tried to capture it, the man disappeared without a trace. According to theory, he is a tsukumogami formed from a china doll that had been broken in a fall.
A yokai which appeared in the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the eighteenth night, a bishop's staff is said to have come inside the house and shook itself to keep people awake. According to theory, it is a tsukumogami formed from an abandoned bishop's staff.
Sayakaku-shishi and Sora-suribachi.
A pair of Yokai from the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the eleventh night, when Heitaro was having a guest over, his dagger mysteriously disappeared. He tried to find it, but to no avail. Meanwhile, a mortar and pestle were said to move by itself. According to theory, it was the work of Sayakaku-shishi, a tsukumogami of a lion-dancing costume which has a desire to play with people, and Sora-suribachi, a yokai formed from an abandoned mortar and pestle which continues pounding by itself..
A yokai which appeared in the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the fifteenth night, a voice was heard from a picture frame, and it said, "The dagger's in here. The dagger is in here." When the occupant removed the picture frame, the dagger he had lost earlier emerged from behind it, covered in soot. According to theory, it is a picture frame tsukumogami which reminds people if things are behind it.
A yokai recorded in the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the 16th night, a pickle stone changed into the shape of a crab to frighten people. According to theory, it is a tsukumogami formed from an unused stone used for weighing down pickle barrels.
A tsukumogami formed from an old dust cloth. According to theory, when a chair or desk has a desire to be cleaned, the desire leaks inside of the dust cloth and causes it to move by itself.
A yokai that appeared in the Ino Mononoke Roku. In the story, the paper suddenly flew by itself in random directions. According to theory, the papers were possessed by a spirit formed from the grudge of all papers which have been destroyed or mistreated.
A yokai from the Ino Mononoke Roku. One night within the Ino house, three salt bales came in and sprinkled salt all over the floor. According to theory, the bales are tsukumogami formed from old rice bales which have been damaged in transit.
Fubuki-dake, Tsugumi-chagama, and Kogoe-game
A trio of Yokai recorded in the Ino Mononoke Roku. On the fourth day, a bamboo blowing tube refused to function. Also, a kettle had clamped itself shut, and the water inside of a water jug froze solid. According to theory, they are tsukumogami formed from a set of sentient tea utensils that were passed on from a tea master to his apprentice, but ultimately went unused.
At the Bon festival, the souls of the departed hang out and eat at the sacred bon festival table. Sometimes, Kirikitoro which have served bon festivals for many years come to life and serve food to the hungry spirits.
A yokai which appeared in Episode 25 of Gegege no Kitaro. According to theory, it is a tsukumogami of a kokeshi doll possessed by the soul of a dead child which is able to make children disappear.
A yokai which appeared in Episode 25 of Gegege no Kitaro. According to theory, it is a tsukumogami formed from a coat that absorbed its owners sickness, and when it finds people with bad thoughts, it wraps around them and makes them sick.
A tsukumogami from Ryujin village in Tanabe city. At night, a living stage appears, and two marionettes come to life and play puppet shows. At the dawn's early light, both the dolls and the stage disappear.
A tsukumogami formed from a firescreen, or Tsuitate. It takes on the form of a Tanuki, and changes into a screen to block people's way.
A tsukumogami of a winnowing basket that takes the form of a bird, spits mist from its mouth, and steals crops from farmers with a bottle in its hand.
At the Kofuji Temple in the Nara prefecture, a small boy was framed for breaking a tea bowl and put to death. As a result, the boy's spirit possessed the bowl and brought it to life to curse the owner of the bowl and the person who framed him.
Tobi-choshi a.k.a. Hichoshi
A tsukumogami from Mt. Nyoho of the Tochigi prefecture. It resembles a flying sake decanter without a lid, and mountain demons sometimes use it as a plaything.
A tsukumogami from the Kagawa prefecture. It resembles a flying wrapping cloth. Similar to Ittan-momen, it wraps around people.
A tsukumogami from Shibushi city in the Kagoshima prefecture. It resembles a duo of cloth rolls which extend from the ground. As a result of this tsukumogami appearing in the evening, no one would be able to build houses.
A three-pronged trident tsukumogami which spews lightning out of anger. It was formed when the grudge of a monk killed by bandits possessed a spear, causing it to come to life. It has forgotten human language, and attacks any person on sight.
A tsukumogami resembling a fishing lantern with spiderwebs for wings and a letter for a tail. It dwells under the eaves of scrolls, eats octopuses and fish, and cries "Yura-dono Yura-dono" in a hoarse voice. It can shoot shurikens which kill insects that come from the Kanogawa river and fly into houses to devour their food. This tsukumogami has a mention in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo
A tsukumogami formed from a snake made of straw which has a sword-like tail and a wheat-covered body that glows in the dark. It appears from grass and roots to frighten women. This tsukumogami has a mention in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo.
A tsukumogami formed from a smoking pipe which has changed into a rat. It eats tobacco leaves and spits poisonous smoke from its mouth when threatened. The only way to cure the poison is to drink sugar water, let a non-venomous snake bite you, and then rub persimmon leaves on it. This tsukumogami is mentioned in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo.
A tsukumogami formed from a kite. When flown over countries, this tsukumogami will allow the user to become a king and take control of the economy. It is mentioned in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo.
A tsukumogami formed from a palanquin. It has a toad's head and stands on six legs much like a kettle on a trivet. It is able to run fast in the air, and hides away at night. This tsukumogami is mentioned in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo.
An inkbrush tsukumogami. This double-edged inkbrush dwells in the inkstones of poets, and when someone with a folding fan comes out, it jumps out of the inkstone, and flies into the sky. It is mentioned in the Bakemono Yamato Hanzo.
A tsukumogami formed from a broken bowl. When a pottery repairman went to the Bantokara mansion, the ghost of a broken bowl appeared and asked him to fix it. This tsukumogami is mentioned in the Kaidan Momonji.
A tsukumogami formed from a flower-arrangement bowl and scissors. It is said to make good flower arrangements and cut out weeds with its scissor claws. This tsukumogami is mentioned in the Kaidan Momonjii.
a woman’s mask with hair bow claws and hairpin legs which takes on the form of a crab and frightens fishermen. This Yokai has a mention in the Bakemono Yamato Honzo.
A Yokai mentioned in the Kaidan Momonji. It is said to be a pestle which grew wings and flew about the kitchen, and could only be killed with a lantern-string bow and a candle arrow.A
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Kaidan Momonji. This Yokai comes in pairs, one a large ear on a wall, and the other a pair of eyes on a fence. They spy on people to find out their secrets.
A Yokai mentioned in the Kaidan Momonji. It is a tsukumogami resembling a cross between a sake bottle and a porcupine which breaks into sake shops and drinks people’s beverages.
a spirit made of paper money and coins which haunts moneylenders that charge too much interest. This Yokai is mentioned in the Kaidan Momonjii.
A sentient net with several faces which slowly fills the house to frighten people. If people remain calm, it will go away. A theory states that it is a tsukumogami formed from a torn mosquito net.
Sumabukuro a.k.a. Fusuma
A tsukumogami from the Shizuoka Prefecture. If someone comes out at night, it will cover their bodies and suffocate them. The only way to defeat them is to bite them when it covers your face.
A tsukumogami formed from an old rice bale. As a result of being near a famed poet's house, it aimed to write poems and songs of its own.
A bird-like tsukumogami formed from an old bell. When this tsukumogami rings its bell, all important promises will be broken.
A tsukumogami formed from a scripture that had absorbed repeated readings day and night. It is able to imitate the reading of high monks, but doesn't have any merit at all due to its imitations.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakinin Isshu. It is formed from an old shadoof, and it frightens people by dropping down on them.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakinin Isshu. According to theory, it is a subspecies of Kasa-bake which brings sudden showers along wherever it goes.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakunin Isshu. It is formed from an old coal basket, and it adds charcoal to fire.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakunin Isshu. It is said to be friends with Furu-sumitori, and its fire can flare right up very quickly.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakunin Isshu. It is said to frighten wives in their sleeping quarters and blow fire at them.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Bakemono Hyakunin Isshu. It is a Buddha statue which comes to life and steals fish from farmers to devour them.
A tsukumogami of a lantern possessed by a vengeful spirit. They disguise themselves as normal lanterns, but grow terrible faces to frighten people.
A tsukumogami mentioned in the Taihei Hyaku Monogatari. Once, a ball-like phantom haunted a village and floated up and down. A samurai sliced through the phantom, causing the ball to drop to the ground. It was only a prankster holding a ball on a string to frighten people, but the legend lives on.
A tsukumogami which is one of the Seven Wonders of Honjo. This abandoned soba stall cannot be lit under any circumstances, and is an omen of bad luck.
A tsukumogami from the Nagano prefecture. It resembles an old basket. It rolls into people's houses at night and frightens them by growing a human face.
A tsukumogami from the Kochi prefecture. This kinuta mallet rolls down slopes and cannot move in any other direction, so one can simply move out of its way to avoid it.
Kansu-korobashi a.k.a. Kansu-korogashi
A tsukumogami from the Fukushima prefecture. It resembles an iron kettle, and it is said to roll towards people to bowl them over.
A tsukumogami formed from an old votive plaque. At night, when no one is around, the image on it comes to life and jumps out of the votive plaque.
Ipetamu a.k.a. Hitokui-katana
A sword tsukumogami from Ainu legend. If one puts this living sword out of its sheath, they will be unable to put it back until they've killed someone.
A jizo statue tsukumogami from the Shizuoka prefecture. It transformed into a frightening one-eyed monk and stuck out its tongue to frighten people. However, when a samurai slashed at the statue, it changed back into an ordinary statue.
A tsukumogami seen in a book called Bakemono. It is formed from a rainwater bucket, and it spits out water to flood people's rooms.
A dresser tsukumogami seen in a book called Bakemono. It wields a cord and a pair of scissors as weapons to attack those who have messy hair.
A loincloth tsukumogami seen in a book called Bakemono. If a loincloth isn't washed, it comes to life and wraps people inside of it.
A tea jar tsukumogami seen in a book called Bakemono. If a tea jug is covered for 20 days, it will come to life and chase after people.
A clock tsukumogami seen in a book called Bakemono. According to theory,
A yokai mentioned in a book called Bakemono. It is a tsukumogami formed from an Ishiusu, or grindstone, which is no longer used. As a result, it came to life and bit into people’s weapons to grind them into powder.
a Yokai mentioned in the book Bakemono. It is a tsukumogami formed from a quiver whose hair wasn’t cleaned. As a result, it comes to life and grabs onto people who try to pick it up.
a Yokai mentioned in a book called Bakemono. It is a tsukumogami formed from a Kokyu, a kind of Japanese violin. After being broken, it comes to life and uses its bow to literally play people like violins.
a Yokai mentioned in a book called Bakemono. If a wooden bathtub isn't cleaned out, it will come to life and capture people with its fire tongs before boiling them in its body.
A Yokai mentioned in a book called Bakemono. Formed from a barrel used for dispensing water for washing clothes, it will come to life and try to drown people if they mistreat it.
A Yokai mentioned in a book called Bakemono. It is formed from an old Sake barrel, and comes to life to feed people so much Sake that they get alcohol poisoning.
A tsukumogami of a gourd bottle which has taken on the form of a horse. According to theory, this Yokai's name is a play on the term, "A Chess Piece comes out of a gourd", meaning that one should expect the unexpected. Note that Koma is also a homophone for Kouma, or foal.
A plow tsukumogami which steals rice bales from farmers. According to theory, this Yokai's name means "Rice-bale Plow", but can also mean "rice-bale lover", referencing its fondness for stealing rice bales.
A one-eyed rice spoon tsukumogami seen in the Tsukumogami emaki. It seems to have a liking for fried rice. According to theory, this Yokai's name is a pun on Hitotsume (one-eye) and Meshi (fried rice).
A teapot tsukumogami seen in the Tsukumogami Emaki. It resembles a tanuki with a wooden ladle. According to theory, this Yokai's name and appearance are somehow related to Bunbuku-chagama, a legendary tanuki who changed into a kettle.
A tsukumogami formed from a Women's traveling cap called an Ichimegasa. According to theory, it is formed from a hat which was worn by women while traveling to Kyoto, and still has a desire to travel. Another theory states that this Yokai's name is a pun on the name of the hat it is formed from.
A tsukumogami formed from a horned basin and a pitcher for pouring water. It resembles and acts like an actual elephant, and according to theory, its name is a pun on its elephant-like appearance.
A tsukumogami seen in the Tsukumogami emaki. According to theory, it is a demon formed from a feather-duster which blows dusty tornadoes everywhere.
A tsukumogami formed from a serving table used in the Imperial palace. The serving tables were soon replaced with newer dining tables that made eating much easier. Angry at being thrown away, they dance outside of people's homes and play their flute to manipulate food and lure it away from people's dining tables so that they go hungry.