Warriors Of Myth Wiki
The King of the Myrmidons by Niladhevan
"Consider the ants..."

--King Aeacus, of Aegina

Alternate Names/Spellings
Origins Greek Mythology, Legend and Folklore
Alignment Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Element Earth
Species Humanoid
Appearance Strong, sturdy, gray-eyed humanoid...

Also Called[]

  • Ant-Person/(pl) Ant-People
  • (pl) Myrmidones


The Myrmidon is one of a race with origins in Greek mythology, legend and folklore. Though, while their exploits are well known and widely retold, especially in the accounts of Homer's Iliad, their origins seem to remain up for something of a debate.

True enough, the name Myrmidon comes from the Greek μυρμηδών or 'murmedon', meaning 'ant bed' or 'ant's nest' (which is derived from the Greek word for 'ant', μύρμηξ or 'myrmex'), but many people disagree as to which of the two separate origin stories accurately account for how the first Myrmidons came into existence.

One myth states that they descend from a princess, Eurymedusa of Phthia (in Greece's Thessaly), daughter of either a mortal king, or of the river god Achelous. Zeus visited her in the form of an ant (or in the form of her mortal husband), seduced her into an affair, and temporarily transformed himself and her into ants, so they could be together without being spied by Hera. The result of their union was conceiving a Demigod son, King Myrmidon, after whom his tribe of descendants would later be named.


King Myrmidon, the first...

Though, another myth (related by Ovid) suggests that the land of Aegina suffered a great plague, resulting in many deaths. Aeacus, the current king at that time (as well as father of Peleus, and thus grandfather to Achilles), prayed to Zeus to restore the population of his people; in response, Zeus said that the king's people would number the ants whose home resided on his sacred tree, the mighty oak. From the nearest ant-bed on the nearest oak, ants rose up from small insects into strong, brave and diligent people.

Many believe that one story is true over the other, yet it is actually quite possible that both myths are true, and that each is just an extension of a tribe with a common ancestor (Zeus). This is supported by the fact that, after the time of the respective Myrmidon tribes' origins, the ant became a sacred animal in the Greek lands of both Thessaly and Aegina.


Seemingly no more than handsome humans in appearance, their eyes are always a shade of gray or silver. And a Myrmidon's natural appearance seems more athletic than a normal human's, with much less effort required to maintain an enviable physique of peak conditioning.


Unsurprisingly for so militaristic a people, Myrmidons are disciplined and focused. They obey orders without question, quickly and efficiently doing whatever they are told. A Myrmidon would sooner die than disobey an order or break a promise. Anyone or anything that gets in the way of those orders will be swiftly dealt with.

Queen Ant by crystaldragon-1-

"Hm...your Queen approves..."

They are very pragmatic, doing whatever they see needs doing in order to survive, even if it means elimination. And while they work best in groups, smaller numbers and even singular Myrmidons still think quite well on their feet, making for daunting strategists and deadly combatants.


  • Peak Condition- the ability to make use of an anatomy with optimum function and/or aesthetic appeal.
  • Perspicuity- the ability to withstand psychic intrusion, interaction and/or control.
  • Superhuman Metabolism- the ability to access internal bodily processes with efficiency beyond human norms.
  • Superhuman Stamina- the ability to resist and recover from fatigue faster than human norms.

The Myrmidons' humble beginnings...


An arrow shot to the heal for that is how their leader Achilles Peleides (lived 1275-1250 BC) died
