Also Called[]
- Norrgen(s)
- (f.) Ogress
The Ogre is one of a race of creatures with origins in Medieval European mythology, legend and folklore. Connections have been drawn between Ogres and the ancient Norse term "Yggr" (an epithet for Odin, under whom he received human sacrifices), while others have noted the similarity to the name of "Orcus", an Etruscan/Roman god of the underworld known to eat human flesh.

"Hmph. I'm hungry."
Ogres are notorious for what they lack in the aesthetic department. Their facial features are broad, with a strong brow, wide noses, full cheeks, thick lips and rounded, blunt chins. It is fairly common that an Ogre has either an overbite or an underbite. Their canine teeth tend to protrude, though some ogres may also (or instead) be snaggle-toothed or have buck teeth (in some cases, they may also, or only, have fangs). That having been said, they still tend to have faces most similar to humans, relative to other goblinoid races.
The skin of an Ogre tends toward hues of greens, grays or browns, while eye color may be any color across the color spectrum (with heterochromia being fairly common). Warts, acne, scrapes, scratches and scars are the norm, on the face and elsewhere across the body.

"Hmph. I'm hungry."
Physical proportions are always in the tall range, relative to humans (adults may be between 7ft and 10ft). Some Ogres may be muscular, but there is always some degree of heft to the body of an Ogre, ranging from husky or outright corpulent. It is common to see an Ogre with a round, protruding gut, double or triple chin, shorter/thicker necks or the like.
Many Ogres have abundant facial and/or body hair, and their ears may be pointed. They may have slightly longer arms, relative to human proportions, and/or perhaps claws in place of nails.
Ogres are renowned for having a low intellect (or at least being highly gullible), relative to many other humanoid species. In nearly every story featuring an Ogre, they are easily tricked or outwitted. Many believe that the ease with which Ogres can be confused, is closely tied with their short temper and tendency toward antagonizing others.
The harm done by Ogres can range from destroying property to inflicting personal injury, or even killing those so unfortunate to cross their path. Ogres have been known to kidnap humans and humanoids of similar size, but almost exclusively for the purpose of killing them to eat. Particularly, Ogres are known to favor babies and small children, to the point that some may even threaten the lives of Ogre offspring (including, perhaps theirs).
Many believe this lies at the root of the Ogres' tendency toward very small social groups. An Ogress may live alone with her offspring, while an Ogre may live with his mate or with a single-digit number of "friends". Yet pairs of Ogres raising offspring together is nearly unheard of, let alone any large establishment of clans or tribes.

"Hmph. I'm hungry."
- Magic- the ability to channel supernatural energy to induce and manipulate events and phenomena.
- Shapeshifting- the ability to alter physical appearance to assume a new form.
- Summoning
- Superhuman Digestion- the ability to process ingested materials with power and efficiency beyond human norms.
- Superhuman Durability- the ability to resist physical injury beyond human norms.
- Superhuman Size (Largeness)- the condition of being physically larger than human norms.
- Superhuman Strength- the ability to exert physical force beyond human norms.